O my God, I trust in You; Let me not be ashamed; Let not my enemies triumph over me.
Praying against the spirit of shame this new year;
1, Every power of public shame and disgrace against me backfire in Jesus name.
2, Generational disgrace and shame in my life, shall not stand in Jesus name.
3, Any power that want to disgrace me, shall be disgraced in Jesus name.
4, Every arrow of public shame, back to the sender in Jesus name.
5, I renounce foundation shame in my life in Jesus name.
6, Anyone that is waiting for my shame, shall receive double shame and shall be put to shame in Jesus name.
7, I will not be a ridicule of shame among friends and family in Jesus name.
8, I recover every wasted years of delay, that’s almost cause me shame in Jesus name.
9, I bury every spirit of shame assigned to my destiny in Jesus name.
10, Thank you Lord because I know and believe i have renounced the spirit of shame.
In Jesus mighty name. AMEN
Amen and Amen thanks Rev
Amen Amen God bless you for the Powerful word of God.